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This module contains functions to plot NMR spectra from Bruker data.


bruker1d(data_paths, labels=None, xlim=None, save=False, filename=None, format=None, frame=False, normalized=False, stacked=False, color=None, return_fig=False)

Plots 1D NMR spectra from Bruker data.

Parameters: data_paths (list): List of paths to the Bruker data directories.

Keyword arguments: labels (list): List of labels for the spectra. xlim (tuple): The limits for the x-axis. save (bool): Whether to save the plot. filename (str): The name of the file to save the plot. format (str): The format to save the file in. frame (bool): Whether to show the frame. normalized (bool): Whether to normalize the spectra. stacked (bool): Whether to stack the spectra. color (str): List of colors for the spectra. return_fig (bool): Whether to return the figure and axis.

Example: bruker1d(['data/1d_data1', 'data/1d_data2'], labels=['Spectrum 1', 'Spectrum 2'], xlim=(0, 100), save=True, filename='1d_spectra', format='png', frame=False, normalized=True, stacked=True, color=['red', 'blue'])

Source code in spinplots/
def bruker1d(data_paths, labels=None, xlim=None, save=False, filename=None, format=None, frame=False, normalized=False, stacked=False, color=None, return_fig=False):
    Plots 1D NMR spectra from Bruker data.

        data_paths (list): List of paths to the Bruker data directories.

    Keyword arguments:
        labels (list): List of labels for the spectra.
        xlim (tuple): The limits for the x-axis.
        save (bool): Whether to save the plot.
        filename (str): The name of the file to save the plot.
        format (str): The format to save the file in.
        frame (bool): Whether to show the frame.
        normalized (bool): Whether to normalize the spectra.
        stacked (bool): Whether to stack the spectra.
        color (str): List of colors for the spectra.
        return_fig (bool): Whether to return the figure and axis.

        bruker1d(['data/1d_data1', 'data/1d_data2'], labels=['Spectrum 1', 'Spectrum 2'], xlim=(0, 100), save=True, filename='1d_spectra', format='png', frame=False, normalized=True, stacked=True, color=['red', 'blue'])
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()

    nucleus_set = set()

    prev_max = 0
    for i, data_path in enumerate(data_paths):
        dic, data = ng.bruker.read_pdata(data_path)
        udic = ng.bruker.guess_udic(dic, data)

        nuclei = udic[0]['label']

        # Extract the number and nucleus symbol from the label
        number, nucleus = ''.join(filter(str.isdigit, nuclei)), ''.join(filter(str.isalpha, nuclei))

        # Check if the same nucleus is being used
        if len(nucleus_set) > 1:
            raise ValueError("All the spectra must be of the same nucleus.")

        uc = ng.fileiobase.uc_from_udic(udic, dim=0)
        ppm = uc.ppm_scale()
        ppm_limits = uc.ppm_limits()

        # Normalize the spectrum
        if normalized:
            data = data / np.amax(data)

        # Stack the spectra
        if stacked:
            data += i * 1.1 if normalized else prev_max

        # Plot the spectrum
        if labels and color:
            ax.plot(ppm, data, label=labels[i], color=color[i])
        elif labels:
            ax.plot(ppm, data, label=labels[i])
        elif color:
            ax.plot(ppm, data, color=color[i])
            ax.plot(ppm, data)

        prev_max = np.amax(data)

    # Set axis labels with LaTeX formatting and non-italicized letters
    ax.set_xlabel(f'$^{{{number}}}\\mathrm{{{nucleus}}}$ (ppm)', fontsize=13)
    ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=12)

    # Remove frame
    if not frame:
        ax.set_ylabel('Intensity (a.u.)', fontsize=13)
        ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=12)

    # Set axis limits if provided
    if xlim:

    # Show the plot or save it
    if save:
        if filename:
            full_filename = filename + "." + format
            full_filename = "1d_nmr_spectra." + format
        fig.savefig(full_filename, format=format, dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.1)
    if return_fig:
        return fig, ax


bruker1d_grid(data_paths, labels=None, subplot_dims=(1, 1), xlim=None, save=False, filename=None, format='png', frame=False, normalized=False, color=None, return_fig=False)

Plots 1D NMR spectra from Bruker data in subplots.

Parameters: data_paths (list): List of paths to the Bruker data directories. labels (list): List of labels for the spectra. subplot_dims (tuple): Dimensions of the subplot grid (rows, cols). xlim (list of tuples or tuple): The limits for the x-axis. save (bool): Whether to save the plot. filename (str): The name of the file to save the plot. format (str): The format to save the file in. frame (bool): Whether to show the frame. normalized (bool): Whether to normalize the spectra. color (str): List of colors for the spectra. return_fig (bool): Whether to return the figure and axis.

Example: bruker1d_grid(['data/1d_data1', 'data/1d_data2'], labels=['Spectrum 1', 'Spectrum 2'], subplot_dims=(1, 2), xlim=[(0, 100), (0, 100)], save=True, filename='1d_spectra', format='png', frame=False, normalized=True, color=['red', 'blue'])

Source code in spinplots/
def bruker1d_grid(data_paths, labels=None, subplot_dims=(1, 1), xlim=None, save=False, filename=None, format='png', frame=False, normalized=False, color=None, return_fig=False):
    Plots 1D NMR spectra from Bruker data in subplots.

        data_paths (list): List of paths to the Bruker data directories.
        labels (list): List of labels for the spectra.
        subplot_dims (tuple): Dimensions of the subplot grid (rows, cols).
        xlim (list of tuples or tuple): The limits for the x-axis.
        save (bool): Whether to save the plot.
        filename (str): The name of the file to save the plot.
        format (str): The format to save the file in.
        frame (bool): Whether to show the frame.
        normalized (bool): Whether to normalize the spectra.
        color (str): List of colors for the spectra.
        return_fig (bool): Whether to return the figure and axis.

        bruker1d_grid(['data/1d_data1', 'data/1d_data2'], labels=['Spectrum 1', 'Spectrum 2'], subplot_dims=(1, 2), xlim=[(0, 100), (0, 100)], save=True, filename='1d_spectra', format='png', frame=False, normalized=True, color=['red', 'blue'])
    rows, cols = subplot_dims
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(rows, cols, figsize=(5 * cols, 4 * rows))
    axes = axes.flatten() if rows * cols > 1 else [axes]

    for i, data_path in enumerate(data_paths):
        if i >= len(axes):
        ax = axes[i]
        dic, data = ng.bruker.read_pdata(data_path)
        udic = ng.bruker.guess_udic(dic, data)

        nuclei = udic[0]['label']
        number, nucleus = ''.join(filter(str.isdigit, nuclei)), ''.join(filter(str.isalpha, nuclei))

        uc = ng.fileiobase.uc_from_udic(udic, dim=0)
        ppm = uc.ppm_scale()

        if normalized:
            data = data / np.amax(data)

        if labels and color:
            ax.plot(ppm, data, label=labels[i], color=color[i])
        elif labels:
            ax.plot(ppm, data, label=labels[i])
        elif color:
            ax.plot(ppm, data, color=color[i])
            ax.plot(ppm, data)

        ax.set_xlabel(f'$^{{{number}}}\\mathrm{{{nucleus}}}$ (ppm)', fontsize=13)
        ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=12)

        if not frame:
            ax.set_ylabel('Intensity (a.u.)', fontsize=13)
            ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=12)

        if xlim and isinstance(xlim, tuple):
        elif xlim and isinstance(xlim, list):


    if save:
        if filename:
            full_filename = filename + "." + format
            full_filename = "1d_nmr_spectra." + format
        fig.savefig(full_filename, format=format, dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.1)
    elif return_fig:
        return fig, axes


bruker2d(data_path, contour_start, contour_num, contour_factor, cmap=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, save=False, filename=None, format=None, diag=None, homo=False, return_fig=False)

Plots a 2D NMR spectrum from Bruker data.

Parameters: data_path (str): Path to the Bruker data directory. contour_start (float): The starting value for the contour lines. contour_num (int): The number of contour lines. contour_factor (float): The factor by which the contour levels increase.

Keyword arguments: cmap (str): The colormap to use for the contour lines. xlim (tuple): The limits for the x-axis. ylim (tuple): The limits for the y-axis. save (bool): Whether to save the plot. filename (str): The name of the file to save the plot. format (str): The format to save the file in. diag (float or None): Slope of the diagonal line/None. homo (bool): True if doing homonuclear experiment. return_fig (bool): Whether to return the figure and axis.

Example: bruker2d('data/2d_data', 0.1, 10, 1.2, cmap='viridis', xlim=(0, 100), ylim=(0, 100), save=True, filename='2d_spectrum', format='png', diag=True)

Source code in spinplots/
def bruker2d(data_path, contour_start, contour_num, contour_factor, cmap=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, save=False, filename=None, format=None, diag=None, homo=False, return_fig=False):
    Plots a 2D NMR spectrum from Bruker data.

        data_path (str): Path to the Bruker data directory.
        contour_start (float): The starting value for the contour lines.
        contour_num (int): The number of contour lines.
        contour_factor (float): The factor by which the contour levels increase.

    Keyword arguments:
        cmap (str): The colormap to use for the contour lines.
        xlim (tuple): The limits for the x-axis.
        ylim (tuple): The limits for the y-axis.
        save (bool): Whether to save the plot.
        filename (str): The name of the file to save the plot.
        format (str): The format to save the file in.
        diag (float or None): Slope of the diagonal line/None.
        homo (bool): True if doing homonuclear experiment.
        return_fig (bool): Whether to return the figure and axis.

        bruker2d('data/2d_data', 0.1, 10, 1.2, cmap='viridis', xlim=(0, 100), ylim=(0, 100), save=True, filename='2d_spectrum', format='png', diag=True)
    dic, data = ng.bruker.read_pdata(data_path)
    udic = ng.bruker.guess_udic(dic, data)

    # Check if homo is set to True
    if homo:
        nuclei_x = udic[1]['label']
        nuclei_y = udic[1]['label']
        nuclei_x = udic[1]['label']
        nuclei_y = udic[0]['label']

    # Extract the number and nucleus symbol from the label
    number_x, nucleus_x = ''.join(filter(str.isdigit, nuclei_x)), ''.join(filter(str.isalpha, nuclei_x))
    number_y, nucleus_y = ''.join(filter(str.isdigit, nuclei_y)), ''.join(filter(str.isalpha, nuclei_y))

    uc_x = ng.fileiobase.uc_from_udic(udic, dim=1)
    ppm_x = uc_x.ppm_scale()
    ppm_x_limits = uc_x.ppm_limits()
    proj_x = np.amax(data, axis=0)

    uc_y = ng.fileiobase.uc_from_udic(udic, dim=0)
    ppm_y = uc_y.ppm_scale()
    ppm_y_limits = uc_y.ppm_limits()
    proj_y = np.amax(data, axis=1)

    # Create figure and axis
    ax = plt.figure(constrained_layout=False).subplot_mosaic(
    gridspec_kw={"height_ratios": [0.9, 6.0], "width_ratios": [0.8, 6.0], 'wspace': 0.03, 'hspace': 0.04},

    # Contour levels
    contour_levels = contour_start * contour_factor ** np.arange(contour_num)

    # Plot contour lines with the provided colormap if cmap is provided
    if cmap is not None:
        contour_plot = ax['A'].contour(data, contour_levels, extent=(ppm_x_limits[0], ppm_x_limits[1], ppm_y_limits[0], ppm_y_limits[1]), cmap=cmap, linewidths=0.5)
        darkest_color = contour_plot.collections[0].get_edgecolor()[0]  # Get the color of the first contour line
        darkest_color = 'black'
        contour_plot = ax['A'].contour(data, contour_levels, extent=(ppm_x_limits[0], ppm_x_limits[1], ppm_y_limits[0], ppm_y_limits[1]), colors = 'black', linewidths=0.5)

    # Plot projections with the extracted color
    ax['a'].plot(ppm_x, proj_x, linewidth=0.8, color=darkest_color)
    ax['b'].plot(-proj_y, ppm_y, linewidth=0.8, color=darkest_color)

    # Set axis labels with LaTeX formatting and non-italicized letters and position
    ax['A'].set_xlabel(f'$^{{{number_x}}}\\mathrm{{{nucleus_x}}}$ (ppm)', fontsize=13)
    ax['A'].set_ylabel(f'$^{{{number_y}}}\\mathrm{{{nucleus_y}}}$ (ppm)', fontsize=13)
    ax['A'].tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=12)
    ax['A'].tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=12)

    # Plot diagonal line if diag is provided
    if diag is not None:
        x_diag = np.linspace(ppm_x_limits[0], ppm_x_limits[1], 100)
        y_diag = diag * x_diag
        ax['A'].plot(x_diag, y_diag, linestyle='--', color='gray')

    # Set axis limits if provided
    if xlim:
    if ylim:

    # Show the plot or save it
    if save:
        if filename:
            full_filename = filename + "." + format
            full_filename = "2d_nmr_spectrum." + format
        plt.savefig(full_filename, format=format, dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.1)

    if return_fig:
        return ax