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SimpReader(filename, format, b0=None, nucleus=None)
Source code in simpyson/
def __init__(self, filename, format, b0=None, nucleus=None):
    self.filename = filename
    self.format = format
    self.b0 = b0
    self.nucleus = nucleus


write_spinsys(s, isotope_list=None, use_ms=False, ms_iso=False, q_order=0, dip_sel=None, self_coupling=False, path=None, ref={}, grad=-1.0, avg_nmr=False)

Write a .spinsys input file for use with SIMPSON, given the details of a system. This is meant to be a low-level function, used by other higher level interfaces in NMRCalculator.

| Args: | s (ase.Atoms): atomic structure containing the desired spins. | All atoms will be included - if that is not the | desired result, this should be accomplished by | making this a subset of the full structure. | isotope_list ([int]): list of isotopes for each element in the system. | If left to None, default NMR-active isotopes | will be used. | use_ms (bool): if True, include shift interactions from magnetic | shieldings. | ms_iso (bool): if True, all magnetic shieldings will be made | isotropic. | q_order(int): if greater than 0, include quadrupolar interactions from | Electric Field Gradients at the given order (1 or 2). | dip_sel (AtomSelection): if not None, include dipolar couplings | between atoms belonging to this set. | self_coupling (bool): if True, include dipolar couplings between | atoms and its image. | path (str): path to save the newly created file to. If not provided, | the contents will be simply returned as a string. | ref (dict): dictionary of reference values for the calculation. This | is used to convert from raw shielding values to chemical | shifts. The dictionary should be in the form | {element: value}, where value is the reference shielding | for that element in ppm. | grad (float|dict|list): gradient to use when converting from raw | shielding values to chemical shifts. If a | float is provided, it will be used for all | elements. If a dictionary is provided, it | should be in the form {element: value}, where | value is the gradient for that element. If a | list is provided, it should be have one value | per site. Defaults to a gradient of -1.0 for | all elements. | avg_nmr (bool): if True and a trajectory is provided, NMR parameters | (shifts, cq, assymetries, dipolar couplings) will be | averaged over the trajectory. This is useful for | MD simulations. | Returns: | file_contents (str): spinsys file in string format. Only returned if | no save path is provided.

Source code in simpyson/
def write_spinsys(
    Write a .spinsys input file for use with SIMPSON, given the details of a
    system. This is meant to be a low-level function, used by other higher
    level interfaces in NMRCalculator.

    | Args:
    |   s   (ase.Atoms):  atomic structure containing the desired spins. 
    |                     All atoms will be included - if that is not the 
    |                     desired result, this should be accomplished by 
    |                     making this a subset of the full structure.
    |   isotope_list ([int]): list of isotopes for each element in the system.
    |                         If left to None, default NMR-active isotopes
    |                         will be used.
    |   use_ms (bool): if True, include shift interactions from magnetic
    |                  shieldings.
    |   ms_iso (bool): if True, all magnetic shieldings will be made
    |                  isotropic.
    |   q_order(int): if greater than 0, include quadrupolar interactions from
    |                   Electric Field Gradients at the given order (1 or 2).
    |   dip_sel (AtomSelection): if not None, include dipolar couplings
    |                            between atoms belonging to this set.
    |   self_coupling (bool): if True, include dipolar couplings between
    |                         atoms and its image.
    |   path (str): path to save the newly created file to. If not provided,
    |               the contents will be simply returned as a string.
    |   ref (dict): dictionary of reference values for the calculation. This
    |               is used to convert from raw shielding values to chemical
    |               shifts. The dictionary should be in the form
    |               {element: value}, where value is the reference shielding
    |               for that element in ppm.
    |   grad (float|dict|list): gradient to use when converting from raw
    |                           shielding values to chemical shifts. If a
    |                           float is provided, it will be used for all
    |                           elements. If a dictionary is provided, it
    |                           should be in the form {element: value}, where
    |                           value is the gradient for that element. If a
    |                           list is provided, it should be have one value
    |                           per site. Defaults to a gradient of -1.0 for
    |                           all elements.
    |   avg_nmr (bool): if True and a trajectory is provided, NMR parameters
    |                   (shifts, cq, assymetries, dipolar couplings) will be 
    |                   averaged over the trajectory. This is useful for
    |                   MD simulations.
    | Returns:
    |   file_contents (str): spinsys file in string format. Only returned if
    |                        no save path is provided.

    # Start by creating a proper isotope_list
    nmr_data = _get_nmr_data()

    nuclei = s.get_chemical_symbols()

    if isotope_list is None:
        isotope_list = [int(nmr_data[n]["iso"]) for n in nuclei]

    nuclei = [str(i) + n for i, n in zip(isotope_list, nuclei)]

    # Build header
    header = _header_template.format(
        channels=" ".join(set(nuclei)), nuclei=" ".join(nuclei)

    # Build MS block
    ms_block = ""
    if use_ms:
        if not ref:
                "No reference values provided for the calculation of "
                "chemical shifts. Assuming all zero."
                "To avoid this warning, provide a dictionary of the form "
                "{element: value}, where value is the reference shielding "
                "for that element in ppm."
        if avg_nmr == False:
            msiso = MSIsotropy.get(s, ref=ref, grad=grad)
            if not ms_iso:
                msaniso = MSReducedAnisotropy.get(s)
                msasymm = MSAsymmetry.get(s)
                eulangs = (
                    np.array([q.euler_angles() for q in MSQuaternion.get(s)]) * 180 / np.pi
                msaniso = np.zeros(len(s))
                msasymm = np.zeros(len(s))
                eulangs = np.zeros((len(s), 3))

            # Check if structure is a trajectory (list)
            if isinstance(s, list):
                s_avg = s[0].copy()
                all_ms_tensor = []
                for step in s:

                avg_ms_tensor = np.mean(all_ms_tensor, axis=0)
                s_avg.set_array('ms', avg_ms_tensor)
                msiso = MSIsotropy.get(s_avg, ref=ref, grad=grad)

                if not ms_iso:
                    msaniso = MSReducedAnisotropy.get(s_avg)
                    msasymm = MSAsymmetry.get(s_avg)
                    eulangs = (
                        np.array([q.euler_angles() for q in MSQuaternion.get(s_avg)]) * 180 / np.pi
                    msaniso = np.zeros(len(s_avg))
                    msasymm = np.zeros(len(s_avg))
                    eulangs = np.zeros((len(s_avg), 3))

                raise ValueError('The file is not a ASE trajectory')

        msiso = msaniso = msasymm = eulangs = None

    for i, ms in enumerate(msiso):
        ms_block += ("shift {0} {1}p {2}p " "{3} {4} {5} {6}\n").format(
            i + 1, ms, msaniso[i], msasymm[i], *eulangs[i]

    # Build EFG block
    efg_block = ""
    if q_order > 0:
        if q_order > 2:
            raise ValueError("Invalid quadrupolar order")
        if avg_nmr == False:
            Cq = EFGQuadrupolarConstant(isotope_list=isotope_list)(s)
            eta_q = EFGAsymmetry.get(s)
            eulangs = (
                np.array([q.euler_angles() for q in EFGQuaternion.get(s)]) * 180 / np.pi

            if isinstance(s, list):
                s_avg = s[0].copy()
                all_efg_tensor = []
                for step in s:

                avg_efg_tensor = np.mean(all_efg_tensor, axis=0)
                s_avg.set_array('efg', avg_efg_tensor)
                Cq = EFGQuadrupolarConstant(isotope_list=isotope_list)(s_avg)
                eta_q = EFGAsymmetry.get(s_avg)
                eulangs = (
                    np.array([q.euler_angles() for q in EFGQuaternion.get(s_avg)]) * 180 / np.pi
                raise ValueError('The file is not a ASE trajectory')

        for i, cq in enumerate(Cq):
            if cq == 0:
            efg_block += ("quadrupole {0} {1} {2} {3}" " {4} {5} {6}\n").format(
                i + 1, q_order, cq, eta_q[i], *eulangs[i]

    # Build dipolar block
    dip_block = ""
    if dip_sel is not None and len(dip_sel) > 1:
        if avg_nmr == False:
            dip = DipolarCoupling(sel_i=dip_sel, isotope_list=isotope_list, self_coupling=self_coupling)(s)
            if isinstance(s, list):
                s_avg = s[0].copy()
                all_dip = {}

                for step in s:
                    (i, j), (d, v) = DipolarCoupling(sel_i=dip_sel, isotope_list=isotope_list, self_coupling=self_coupling)(step)
                    all_dip[(i, j)] = (d, v)

                dip = {}
                for key in all_dip.keys():
                    dip[key] = (np.mean([all_dip[key][0]]), np.mean([all_dip[key][1]], axis=0))

                raise ValueError('The file is not a ASE trajectory')

        for (i, j), (d, v) in dip.items():
            a, b = (
                (np.array([np.arccos(-v[2]), np.arctan2(-v[1], -v[0])]) % (2 * np.pi))
                * 180
                / np.pi
            dip_block += ("dipole {0} {1} {2} {3}" " {4} 0.0\n").format(
                i + 1, j + 1, d * 2 * np.pi, a, b

    out_file = _spinsys_template.format(
        header=header, ms=ms_block, efg=efg_block, dipolar=dip_block

    if path is None:
        return out_file
        with open(path, "w") as of: